The Worst: A Compilation Zine on Grief and Loss

The Worst: A Compilation Zine on Grief and Loss

by Kathleen McIntyre Author

An intense compilation of grief stories. There are few dialogs in radical communities about grief--death and dying. The subject of death causes most people, even radicals who see themselves as great communicators, to freeze up, or nervously change the subject. "The Worst" is attempting to change that, by helping people start a dialog about loss, so that no one has to suffer silently. There are so many different stories in here, about mothers, fathers, partners, and pets, who've died and left a hole in the lives of others. All these different authors have really come up with something that although sad, helps the grieving feel a little less alone.

Comments & Reviews


This is an excellent vehicle for maneuvering through life having to shoulder difficult losses especially as a young person. Included in this zine are great suggestions for those who are mourning and those who care about them. It's also a catalyst for finding a way to carry on when someone's death impacts us. It covers a variety of losses, even for people we are ambivalent about because we struggled with them when they were living.