Endless Destinies: The Clockwork City

Endless Destinies: The Clockwork City

by Corinna Keefe Author, Joe Harris Contributor and Paula Zorite Illustrator

The first in the Endless Destinies series, which plays as a cross between Dungeons and Dragons and Choose Your Own…


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Heartthrob Affirmations: Swoonworthy, Uplifting Thoughts from Our Favorite Gents to Get You Through Each Day

Heartthrob Affirmations: Swoonworthy, Uplifting Thoughts from Our Favorite Gents to Get You Through Each Day

by Chantel De Sousa Illustrator

Remind yourself of what makes you beautiful with 50 cards full of inspiration from your favorite heartthrobs. John…


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Crystal Grid Oracle

Crystal Grid Oracle

by Nicola McIntosh Author

Let the crystals be your guide with this gorgeous deck, each card adorned with a crystal spread proclaiming aspirational…


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Water Blessings: Affirmation Cards

Water Blessings: Affirmation Cards

by Akal Pritam Author

Learn to go with the flow and breathe in and out with the tides with this affirmation deck themed around sacred waters.…


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Human Spirit Oracle: Learning to Reconnect

Human Spirit Oracle: Learning to Reconnect

by Jena Dellagrottaglia Author

All you need is an open mind, clear intentions, and a call to understand your inner workings and the collective…


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Everything Is Easy: A Complete Kit for Saying What You REALLY Think

Everything Is Easy: A Complete Kit for Saying What You REALLY Think

by Lucien Rothenstein Author

If you've always wanted to give someone a piece of your mind, here's your chance. With these cards, all you have to do…


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Fortune Cookies: Love, Success, Happiness Cards

Fortune Cookies: Love, Success, Happiness Cards

by Sharina Star Author

Sometimes you just need to know what a fortune cookie would tell you. Absent a Chinese-American restaurant in your…


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