$20 Superpack: The Life-Changing Magic of Fixing Shit Up

$20 Superpack: The Life-Changing Magic of Fixing Shit Up

by Elly Blue Author, Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author and Anna Ricklin Author

Ready to get tidy but don't want to chuck all your stuff into a landfill? Open your eyes to the life-changing magic of…

$24.00 $20.00

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$25 Superpack: Unlearn Colonial Histories

$25 Superpack: Unlearn Colonial Histories

by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, John Gerlach Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author

How can we decolonize the world when colonialist attitudes of self and other are so deeply embedded in our psyches? Open…

$40.00 $25.00

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$20 Superpack: Teacher power-up

$20 Superpack: Teacher power-up

by Kaycee Eckhardt Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Dave Roche Author and Super Pack! Author

Got a teacher in your life? Do they love their job and know its value, but always seem to be verging on overwhelmed,…

$30.00 $20.00

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$25 Superpack: The Railroad Life's for Me

$25 Superpack: The Railroad Life's for Me

by Aaron Dactyl Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author and Super Pack! Author

Study up on your freighthopping history, railroad graffiti interpretation, and hobo life of yesteryear and today. Follow…

$50.00 $25.00

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$20 Superpack: Stuporpack

$20 Superpack: Stuporpack

by Aaron Dactyl Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author

Maaaaan! I have the worst hangover! Whaaaaaat happened? Let's get you back up to speed with some water and reading Scam:…

$52.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships

$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships

by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author

We are all on what feels like a lifelong quest towards finding those perfectly healthy relationships—the people around…

$34.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Community Justice

$20 Superpack: Community Justice

by Super Pack! Author

We agree, these are frustrating times and it feels like there is yet a lot of work to do towards social justice. So…

$46.95 $20.00

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Grocery Display Starter Pack

Grocery Display Starter Pack

by Asbjorn Intonsus Author, Ryan Splint Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author and Super Pack! Author

Cook up something delicious, delightful, cozy; a loaf of bread, an herbal salve, a meal for yourself or your whole…

$296.00 $148.00

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$25 Superpack: Meal Deal with Ebola Songs

$25 Superpack: Meal Deal with Ebola Songs

by Dan Abbott Author, Jason Chandler Author and Corbett Redford Author

With this bargain pack, get the latest releases from the infamous musical satirists Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children…

$28.90 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Bicycle! Bicycle!

$20 Superpack: Bicycle! Bicycle!

by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author and Super Pack! Author

Get the bicycling inspiration and knowledge you need in this superpack, including: A short, scandalous history of…

$25.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Jeff's Faves!

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Faves!

by Jeff Hayes Author

The cosm crew is updating our old "Faves" Superpacks. Jeff's includes: This Is Portland, Action!, Applicant, The…

$26.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Dream Whip

$20 Superpack: Dream Whip

by Bill Brown Author and Super Pack! Author

Since 1994, our observant wanderer, Bill Brown has combed the American landscape finding meaning in rust, neon signs,…

$32.95 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Classic Microcosm Gems!

$20 Superpack: Classic Microcosm Gems!

by Super Pack! Author

So, this is just about the best deal we've got. These are some classic, amazing Microcosm books and zines. They deserve…

$78.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Mystery Surprise

$20 Superpack: Mystery Surprise

by Super Pack! Author

Does mystery intrigue you? Are great deals your cup o' tea? Well, this superpack has both. We'll send you $50 worth of…

$50.00 $20.00

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$25 Superpack: Occupy History

$25 Superpack: Occupy History

by Joe Biel Author, justseeds.org Author, Mia Partlow Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Abner Smith Author and Bec Young Author

A fabulous set about various heroic and duplicitous deeds! From Firebrands to six in print volumes of the CIA Makes…

$35.00 $25.00

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$20 Superpack: Quarter Life Crisis Survival Pack

$20 Superpack: Quarter Life Crisis Survival Pack

by Joe Biel Author, John Gerken Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Super Pack! Author, Robert Wildwood Author and Bec Young Author

We know that times can be tough. Crises don't always wait til you're 40. Graduating from high school or college, trying…

$45.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Joe's Faves

$20 Superpack: Joe's Faves

by Joe Biel Author and Super Pack! Author

They say it's impossible to pick favorite children. But after stewing for a few hours on our long history of titles, I…

$28.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: All About Zines—What, How, & Why!

$20 Superpack: All About Zines—What, How, & Why!

by Joe Biel Author, Bill Brent Author, Stephen Duncombe Author and Super Pack! Author

Combining the "How" (Make a Zine), the "What" (Zine Yearbook #9), and the "Why" (Notes from Underground), this superpack…

$32.00 $20.00 1 comment

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$20 Superpack: Make Something! Do Something!

$20 Superpack: Make Something! Do Something!

by Super Pack! Author

This pack of zines is for someone who wants to make something, do something, and have somewhere to start! This lovely…

$35.50 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Labor Stories

$20 Superpack: Labor Stories

by Moe Bowstern Author, Bill Brown Author, Kate Lopresti Author, Dave Roche Author, Sarah Royal Author and Super Pack! Author

It's important to think about the labor that creates everything that you touch, purchase, and make use in your day. So…

$32.00 $20.00

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$25 Superpack: Anytime Gardening!

$25 Superpack: Anytime Gardening!

by Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Robyn Jasko Author, Matte Resist Author and Super Pack! Author

We know you're hungry but with a little planning ahead and this superpack that will be no problem! Start out…

$40.00 $25.00 1 comment

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$20 Superpack: Go Vegan!

$20 Superpack: Go Vegan!

by Super Pack! Author

Some delicious vegan eats are coming your way in this superpack, including: Barefoot and in the Kitchen, Hot Damn and…

$26.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Punk Fuckin' Rock

$20 Superpack: Punk Fuckin' Rock

by Super Pack! Author

If you want to know about all things punk, then this is the pack for you. You'll read stories from Erick Lyle, one of…

$38.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Feminist Power

$20 Superpack: Feminist Power

by justseeds.org Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Cristy C. Road Author and Super Pack! Author

An interest in Feminism means you probably like to learn, so we're giving you a range of reading material: Brutal (and…

$32.00 $20.00 1 comment

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$20 Superpack: Sweaty Summer

$20 Superpack: Sweaty Summer

by Super Pack! Author

Are you feeling this hot and sweaty summer and want a retreat? Get away with these cool treats to help pass those long…

$24.00 $20.00

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Fun Pack!: Political zines

Fun Pack!: Political zines

by Various Author

Would you like an envelope bursting full of assorted zines, patches, stickers, buttons, even posters or postcards? Well,…

$34.00 $20.00

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